FREE* for most CA Agencies
*These courses may be eligible for reimbursement with California Office of Traffic Safety grant funds under the Travel and Training Budget. Please confirm with Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).

Traffic Safety Stops are the most common type of interaction between citizens and police.
In fact, many of the deaths garnering media attention in recent years resulted from traffic violations.
Everybody has a traffic stop story...
AND - No one wants to be the next viral video!
This training teaches Neuroscience & Personality Science that will allow Officers...
✔ To influence others without them even realizing what's happening.
✔ To quickly develop rapport, effectively communicate, De-Escalate and negotiate in all situations, including with people in emotional crisis.
✔ Best of all, these Ninja Communication Skills are - Easy to Understand - Easy to Remember and even - Easier to Implement!
8 Hours over 2 days

Street Racing is prevalent and increases every time a new movie or show comes out making it look more cool than it is dangerous.
With public opinion promoting the pastime, it is difficult for cops to take action against it.
This comprehensive training helps you do that.
✔ Investigating street racing, including options and tactics
✔ Side-shows, intersection & freeway takeovers
✔ Courtroom prep & testimony
✔ The street racing / vehicle theft connection
✔ Identifying illegal engine and vehicle modifications
✔ Updates on trends and new laws that apply to illegal street racing
4 Hours, 1 day

When you're dealing with something as common as Street Racing...
The most efficient and effective solution is to have your own Certified Drag-Net Instructor available to train anyone at any time!
Upon completion of this training you'll be a "Certified Drag-Net Instructor" prepared to train on...
All of the "Drag-Net Course" Topics
Advanced Training Techniques:
✔ How to engage your student's WHOLE brain in the learning process
✔ How the brain processes information and the Brain-centric frameworks that align with how our brain loves to understand, not just memorize
Pre-Requisite: Drag-Net Course
12 Hours over 2 days
Join the Waiting List!
Since these Training Courses run at various times throughout the year, please, join the Waiting List to be contacted with details when they'll be offered next.